Ostankinsky Zavod Fruktovyh Vod
![Останкинский з\u002Dд фруктовых вод.](/media/images/caps/preview_of_c84e6f62411c8ed4a2b8a2839b8bee9c.jpg)
Embossed aluminum. Embossed outside. Soda.
Inscription on cap: Останкинский з-д фруктовых вод.
Unlike the vast majority of other (mostly beer) caps, this one shows no price. Production period: late 1960s-early 1970s.
© Image by Art Zhitnik
![Останкинский з\u002Dд фруктовых вод.](/media/images/caps/preview_of_2e5309d97e7e3435ed12dbb1360838be.jpg)
Embossed aluminum. Embossed outside. Soda.
Inscription on cap: Останкинский з-д фруктовых вод.
No price is shown. The separators in the text along the outer circumference are stars. The diameter of the ring is bigger than on the RU420103-0001 and RU420103-0002 variations. The period of production: late 1960s and early 1970s.
© Image by Art Zhitnik