Essentuki Mineral Waters

Embossed steel. Embossed outside. Mineral water. Ess'en'tuki. Production period: 1977-1978.

Inscription on cap: Ессентуки 20 5-8-1977

This was on the mineral water called "Essentuki #20". 5 and 7 feathers in wings.

© Image by Alexandr Kolosov

Embossed steel. Embossed inside. Mineral water. Ess'en'tuki. Production period: 1990-1993.


Inscription on cap: Ессентуки 1-8-90

The year is shown with just 2 digits. The separators are dots.

There are some caps without dots and hyphens in calendar.

© Image by Art Zhitnik

Эмблема Essentuki Mineral Waters